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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Estimated Yearly Cost of Attendance (2024-2025)

Please note that the provided costs are an estimate for the 2024-2025 year and may vary from a student to student basis. For example, books and supplies cost may vary based on courses taken.

Expense Living at Home Not Living at Home
Full time tuition $5,250 $5,250
Mandatory fees $650 $650
Loan fees (average) $62 $62
Books and supplies $1,540 $1,540
Personal $1,490 $1,490
Room $0 $6,900
Board $2,055 $2,680
Transportation $1,995 $810
Total $13,042 $19,382

Tuition and Fees (2024-2025)

Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.

Rates are per semester.

*Double tuition is charged to NYS residents that fail to provide a valid Certificate of Residence each academic year.

Full Time Student (Fall or Spring, 12 or more credits)

Expense NYS Resident Non-NYS Resident NYS Resident w/o Certificate*
Tuition $2,625 $2,925 $5,250
College fee $200 $200 $200
Technology fee $100 $100 $100
Academic support fee $25 $25 $25
Total (per semester) $2,950 $3,250 $5,575


Part Time Student (Fall or Spring, less than 12 credits)

Expense NYS Resident Non-NYS Resident NYS Resident w/o Certificate*
Tuition $218/credit hour $243/credit hour $436/credit hour
College fee $17/credit hour $17/credit hour $17/credit hour
Technology fee $8/credit hour $8/credit hour $8/credit hour
Academic support fee $2/credit hour $2/credit hour $2/credit hour

Summer or Winterim Student (No full time rates available)

Expense NYS Resident Non-NYS Resident NYS Resident w/o Certificate*
Tuition $218/credit hour $243/credit hour $436/credit hour
College Fee $17/credit hour $17/credit hour $17/credit hour
Technology fee $8/credit hour $8/credit hour $8/credit hour
Academic support fee $2/credit hour $2/credit hour $2/credit hour

Additional Fee Information

Expense Cost
BookSmart $23/credit hour
Online learning fee $10/online credit hour
Allied Health student intern malpractice insurance $18/semester
Transcripts $10/transcript
Applied Music Fee $400/course
Nursing clinical fee $25/semester
Sewing Kit Fee $100/course

International Student Fees

International Student Fees are mandatory.

Expense Cost
Medical Evacuation/Repatriation Insurance $50 for Fall/Spring Semesters
$25 for Summer Semester

International Student Costs

Estimated Annual International Student Expenses

Expense Amount
Tuition & College Fees $6,500
Room*, Board**, Personal & Local Transportation $9,048
Books and Medical Evacuation/Repatriation Insurance $1,442



*The cost of housing is based upon living in a double room occupancy apartment suite at College Village. Visit the College Village page for more information about on-campus options, rates, and how to apply. If a student chooses to live off-campus he/she is still required to show sponsorship of $16,990. The College Village Housing Contract is for the full academic year.

**Meal plans are included in College Village costs.

Medical Evacuation/Repatriation Insurance is $50 for Fall/Spring Semesters and $25 for Summer Semester.

Tuition and Housing Payment Information

Expense Due Form of Payment Accepted
Tuition, College Fees, and Medical Evacuation/Repatriation Insurance Upon Registration Visa/MasterCard, US bank check, money order, or cash/travelers check (in-person). International bank transfer: Flywire
College Village Application Application Fee due with contract. Cost of housing included on GCC bill.Visit the College Village website for more information. Visa/MasterCard/JCB over the phone or email. Mail: US bank check or money order. In-person: Travelers Check or cash. Bank Transfer: Contact College Village for Transfer informationPay online with a credit or debit card.

SUNY Net Price Calculator

The net price calculator provides students and parents a total annual cost estimate to attend Genesee Community College.

Please note that the provided quote is a broad estimate and includes both direct and indirect costs. Actual out-of-pocket cost may be significantly less than the estimate.

Tuition Refunds

Course registration creates a financial obligation to GCC. A tuition refund is only effective upon formal (written) withdrawal. The student can withdraw in writing in the Record’s Office or at any campus center location. They can also withdraw online through their myGCC account. Please be aware that non-attendance is NOT withdrawal. For further information on academic withdrawal, please contact the Record’s Office at (585) 343-0055 ext. 6218.

Tuition Frequently Asked Questions

What information is included on the bill I receive from GCC?

Your bill includes the semester’s charges calculated according to credit hour. The bill lists anticipated payments from financial aid and any previous balance from prior semesters or payments already made for the current semester. Your bill also indicates whether we have a valid Certificate of Residence Form on file and your class schedule for the billed semester.

What is a Certificate of Residence and why do I need one?

A Certificate of Residence is issued by your County and verifies your legal address for the past 12 months. It is required from all students each year because it permits the College to bill your home County. Failure of NYS residents to submit a certificate will result in double tuition charges.

You can obtain an application for a Certificate of Residence online, or from the Student Accounts Office or a Campus Center. It is important that you follow the instructions on the reverse side (page 2) of the application, and any county-specific instructions.

When is payment due?

Please see our Dates and Deadlines for specific tuition due dates. After the published due date, tuition is due upon registration.

How do I pay my bill?

Please visit our Make a Payment section of the website for information on payment methods and payment plans.

What are eBills?

eBills (electronic billing statements) are simply a web-based version of the information contained in the “paper bill.”

Will I receive a paper bill?

No, GCC will no longer mail paper bills. eBill will be the exclusive billing method.

How will I know when I have a new bill?

You will receive a notification via your GCC and personal email addresses whenever a new eBill is available for viewing, along with instructions on how to access it.

Can I set up a payment plan?

Yes! Enroll in a payment plan online by logging into your myGCC account, click on “Banner Self-Service”, click “Pay My Bill” then click “Set up a Payment Plan” and follow the instructions. The cost to budget your interest-free monthly payment plan is $25 per semester (non-refundable).

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